Thursday, March 17, 2011


so clearly it would appear that I have a blog spot and do not need to make one so now this will become the ambien blog full of fun and other stuff.

ambien is the sleeping medicince that when you stay awake puts you into a living dream. la de dadddh. i'm so tired now it's beeen three hours..

you take it and stay up
and your world becomes shifted?

you are seeing things in real time that you wont remember shortly after. minor hallucinations like thinking someone or something was around but nothing too bad. this is only on 10g. time does not exist and disappears relatively fast. tonight chris called hedwig ledwig. gts. not too many intereting points tonight unless i have just forgotten already.

Friday, October 5, 2007

everything happens for a reason

coming soon.

liars and cheaters

I honestly am one of the nicest people EVER. I don't get how people who claim to be friends, and claim to be in love, and claim that they would do whatever they was needed for another person, could lie to them and cheat and all that fucked up stuff.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

laundry mats & public transportation

i absolutely LOVE the smell of laundry mats. idk why, it's just so....clean.
i don't think a lot of people ever really get the oppurtunity to do their laundry in one either. it's fun, relaxing, you can chill, watch tv, talk to other laundry-doers. idk really.
i guess growing up in apartments and condos and duplex's there's not really much room for a washer and dryer, so you go to your little complex's laundry mat or just go to the closest one once or twice a week and throw your laundry in.

buses, subways, taxis, all other places to meet random people. mostly when you ride everyone minds their business, and you don't really talk. but if you happen to listen to another's conversation or eavesdrop or whatever, you actually meet really interesting people.

it's not like people take the bus because they want to. sure if someone had a car it would be that much easier. it's not like people want to do their laundry in a laundry mat and pay $2.00 to use the washer, when if they had the room and money they would have their own washer and dryer. shashkdhaskdhas. idk where i'm going with this.
even if you're rich and live in a big house and wash your laundry at home all your life, one day go to a laundry mat. buy the little box of detergent and meet some people.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

withdrawing from tv

I absolutely HATE this part of the year.
You've gone all summer after watching all of your season finales and now you have to wait weeks until your shows start back up again.
Or in some cases you have to wait until December, or January.....
Yet adds are already out EVERYWHERE showing you stuff you won't be able to watch for another 6 weeks. Talk about annoying. I feel like I'm withdrawing since I have absolutely nothing to watch in the meantime. Summer shows finished up this week, and now all that's on is reruns, previews, commercials, and nothing. My DVR is broken so it's not like I can go replay those shows in the meantime. Nopeeee. I think each person should be able to take a tv, program the stations and shows they like, and those should play regardless of what time of the year it is.

My sister and I have a little schedule above the tv, with each day of the week, the shows that play, their times, and the date they start.... I think right now the earliest is september 27th which isn't that far but it is. that means two more thursdays with nothing to watch.

I'm antsy and impatient and what sucks even more is that the shows I really really want to watch don't start until 2008. Some seasons are sooo dumbbbbbbb.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

"gay" TV

will & grace
queer as folk
south of nowhere
the l word
out of practice
the o.c.
the office
desperate housewives

[I know there's tons more, these are just the ones I like]

All most of my favorite sh0ws, all accounting for the 7 hours or so of TV I watch each week, all including at least 1 GLBT character.

I find it hilarious reading up on the posts and blogs about these shows, the endless bullitens, debates, magazine articles, online stuff etc. I remember after South Of Nowhere premiered, about two episodes into it there was a HUGE post about whether or not the show was "turning people gay". Yeah, and watching Tempation Island turns us all straight, right?

Hahahaha. When "Palex" originated on Degrassi, I think many viewers themselves started to question simply by watching the character they look up to *gasp* change. Mischa Barton's character, Mirissa, on The O.C., went through her bisexual phase where she was involved in a lesbian affair, which lasted long enough for them to move in with each other then suddenly realize she was still in love with Ryan. The infamous Jack and Karen on Will & Grace both we're outspoken and reserved while so comfortable with their life.

The whole thing is amazing. It's like there can be groups of people who are so against everything and hate the concept and are hardcore christian/republican whatever but they will sit and watch these show's and not say anything. It's like the T.V. has some power over them, or just shows that people are people and nothing more, and maybe those protesting should chill.

AHhh anyways it cracks me up. Also, watching the L word with my gramma is pretty priceless.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


I definitely just spent the last two hours ( one and a's still on and I couldn't wait to write) of my life watching "Crazy, Sexy, Cancer" on TLC. It's amazing how much some people actually complain about their life and how bad off they are because it so happens that they don't have everything they want, when some people are dieing as we speak.
The documentary was about actress Kris Carr, and her struggle with the overwhelming disease. It shows when she was diagnosed, all of her hospital visits, the support she had, the programs she attended and the 1000s of pages she read to fight for her life. I find it truly amazing to find and see this strength in people that you never knew they really had. Nobody is prepared for the unexpected, and there is no way to prepare for it.
Ahhhh I can't even think about writing a journalistic point of view right now. Just every time I see someone who is willing to share their experience and survival with death it inspires me so much. It's crazy how many people go on everyday not knowing a thing about death and not appreciating their life more, and of course if something doesn't affect them then why should they care? That really bothers me. My step-dads mom is a survivor of Breast Cancer and even before that I spent those Saturday monrnings doing cancer walks with my step-mom and the hospital she works for. It's not a lot to ask really to donate even $5 a year per family. Treatments are expensive, hospital stays are expensive, books and doctors and chemo and resorts can add up to hundreds of thousands of dollars. I just wish people we're more aware of the world around them and that they would focus on the important things instead of which shirt to buy and which country we're in war with next. So lame.

check it out, get involved. do something.